Jerri's News- The Chronicles of the Ordained is Coming!


The Oath is being released on August 2nd! It's not much longer until the epic fantasy series will begin. For those that read The Three Realms, The Chronicles of the Ordained is its prequel. You may also have noticed that The Three Realms series is no longer available. I took the series down when I realized that I had made too many changes that will affect the original. But have no fear if you have read The Three Realms—when the series gets to where The Three Realms would begin, I will send anyone that has bought The Three Realms, the new books. All you have to do is show your receipt that you bought the original book. At that time, I will give you the exact information on how to redeem your copy.

The first three books in the Chronicles of the Ordained— The Oath, The Curse, and The Blessing— are all original books. After that will come what was The Three Realms — The Past ( Past of Shadows), The Path (Path Now Turned), and The Vision (Vision of Destiny). 

Most that have read my books will think — Say what? Jerri Hines writes historicals. What is going on here with an epic fantasy series? True, I have written the American Revolutionary series: Winds of Betrayal and Winds of Change. Southern Legacy was written about love during the tragic Civil War. (Don't worry. The series doesn't romanticize the war, but it is gripping. A story that will stay with you long after you finish it. I would recommend this one if you read any of my books. There is a reason it's my bestselling series. Try Belle of Charleston. It's free on Amazon, iBooks, Nook, and Kobo.) Then I have the Secret Lives series. Broken Legacy is a former #1 Historical Romance on Amazon. I do have a couple contemporary romantic suspense books: Fragmented and Framed with a contemporary horror book, Scream for the Camera. My last two books have been stand-alone, but both historical. The Measure of a Man is based on a true story from the 1960s. My latest release from last year, The Waking Bell, is a historical mystery set during WWII. 

I can understand the question of why would I write an epic fantasy. The answer is quite simple. It's fun. 

I will admit that when I began writing fantasy, I thought it might be easier than historicals. Quickly, I discovered how wrong I was. There is a lot more than writing that goes into creating a fantasy saga. You have to come up with an entire world and its history. But I took the challenge...and it's fun to write.

Seven hundred years ago, the Knights of the Ordained banished the demon, Asmeodai. Buried deep beneath Wahi Tapu Temple, the evil becomes a distant memory. For those seven hundred years, Asmeodai seethed in hatred for those that condemned him to this hell. He has survived only for his chance to enact his revenge.

Now, though, the time of the Secundus has come again. With the rising of the second moon comes the fear of Asmeodai’s reemergence. The aftermath of the last Secundus saw the once-great Jornada Empire splintered into three realms. Moreover, the Knights of the Ordained are not what they once were. But all is not lost. There is hope. There are those born who are ordained to fight this evil like no other.

Their destiny will not be denied.

Follow the sweeping fantasy adventure entrenched in royal intrigue, powerful foes, and magical exploits. Beware the saga contains sword & sorcery, dragons and fleogans, and witches and wizards.
Oh...but don't go away. I have a special surprise. The Cover Reveal to THE CURSE, Book 2 of The Chronicles of the Ordained.

 THE CURSE —Coming Early 2023!

Don't forget the ongoing giveaway Celebrating The Oath's Release! Enter for your chance to win one of these great prizes:
$50 Amazon Gift Card
A ebook copy of The Oath
A print copy of The Oath
A Mamaw's Magnolia Way Candle


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