Once Upon A Time There Was A Series Called...
Once upon a time, there was a series called...
The Three Realms. Within that series was the book, Past of Shadows, which one could say is extremely similar to The Promised...because it is. The Promised has been rewritten to fit into The Chronicles of the Ordained series. The Oath was supposed to be the prequel to The Three Realms, then I began writing and expanding until I felt it best to pull them all under one name. The Promised is different than Past of Shadows, but the story behind it remains basically the same.
But for anyone who has bought Past of Shadows, email me at jerri.hines@jerrihines.com. I will send you the new PDF. All I will need is proof of purchase. Thanks so much! Have an awesome day!
One more thing: I'm pulling Chronicles of the Ordained from KindleUnlimited.
The Oath comes off December 7th.
The Curse comes off on December 7th.
The Blessing comes off November 12th.
If you do Kindle Unlimited, don't miss out. If you use iBooks, Nook, or Kobo, don't worry—it's coming!
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